Advocacy for human rights
Promotion and advocacy for human rights and democracy issues of poor, vulnerable and needy

SnAPSA will work to empower and encourage individuals to take action to improve their position and deal with their rights as humans in society.

Community Development for poor and needy persons and anti-poverty initiatives

The types of services that will be supported by SnAPSA include:

  • Having a paralegal and community social worker support individual on site to deal with referrals and guidance e.g other non- governmental organization in cases of violence against women and children like Lifeline, Sonke Justice, Rape Crisis Centre; and govtdeptse.g Social Services, Department of Home Affairs etc.
  • Advise and support on accessing social grants through the existing systems
  • Referrals to other legal and related services
  • Assistance with completion of forms and other related documents
  • Providing psychosocial support